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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Inspiring Quotes

“The best economic development strategy is investment in early childhood.”
-- Art Rolnick, senior vice president, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis

The highest stake of all is our ability to help children realize their full potential." ~~Samuel J. Meisels Ed.D. President Irving and Neison Harris President's Chair.
“Passion is like a ripple, it grows.” ~~Laticia Lara
“It is not all about you, think about what is best for the child and help him transition to it.” ~~Renatta Cooper, Program Specialist Office of Child Care
“ All education is a civil rights issue.” ~~Renatta Cooper, Program Specialist Office of Child Care
“Built in passion causes us to make a difference in the world.” ~~Louise Derman-Sparks, Professor Emeritus
“Children lose out when they are taught they are better than others because of their racial, ethnic background, economic class, or gender identity.” ~~Louise Derman-Sparks
“We have a unique opportunity in working with children.” ~~Sandy Escobido, Deputy Field Director, Los Angeles Preschool Advocacy Initiative
“I am not here to save the world, I am here to make a difference in the community I am working in.” ~~Raymond Hernandez, MS.Ed. Executive Director, School of Early Childhood Education

“If you think education is expensive try ignorance.” ~~Unknown
“We must educate to eradicate ignorance.”  ~~Linda Ferdinand, Student Walden University

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